This is US!

This is US!

Classroom. Curriculum. Community

Our organization is dedicated to celebrating the existing diversities and differences in the classroom, community, and at home. We partner with schools, organization, educators and caregivers to deliver hands-on culturally responsive programming, experiences and educational resources.

We aim to cultivate safe spaces for young learners to: 

  • Develop Self Awareness and that of others
  • Embrace Difference as a Superpower. This is a power can be wielded to drive an equitable society
  • Strengthen their ability to Advocate for themselves and others
  • Nurture their natural curiosity, to promote Independent and Critical Thinking
  • Envision themselves as both a Global Citizen and an important member of their Local Community, capable of driving positive change
  • Celebrate themselves in their wider community, through cultural and educational activities 
  • One Love Classroom

    One Love Classroom

    Our curriculum enrichment program is a series of modules, that begin with focusing on the young learner and their family, followed by the historical introduction of people from across the world who made America their home. Through age appropriate stories, organic discussions and hands on activities we begin to learn about America’s history, it’s many different peoples, including their culture, traditions, art and achievements, just to name a few.

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  • One Love Curriculum

    One Love Curriculum

    Our service ranges from a consultation on your existing lessons for young learners to assistance with the development of lesson plans. This service is geared towards ensuring that lessons are culturally responsive and inclusive. We focus on books, topics, language, activities, tools, materials and more

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  • One Love Community

    One Love Community

    Partner with One Love Cultured Kids to curate beautiful community events that are diverse, educational, family friendly and fun! Our pop-up programming is customized to compliment an event and they are a concentrated version of our classroom experience.

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Let’s Work Together!

Connect with us to find out how we can help you.